A major seminar on the implementation of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) is taking place in Switzerland from March 13-15, 2023.

The Eighth Joint OECD/UNECE Seminar on the Implementation of SEEA will be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
The aim of the seminar is to provide a platform for exchange of knowledge and experiences on SEEA implementation and to facilitate coordination between all relevant partners in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe regions.
The seminar is organised regularly with a long-term view to support the implementation of the SEEA system. The SEEA is co-developed by our INCASE colleague Carl Obst and applied by our INCASE project here for integrating economic, environmental and social data into a single, coherent framework. This natural capital accounting technique can facilitate holistic decision-making and measure and value progress in relation to climate actions, biodiversity conservation and restoration, protection of waterbodies, and general good environmental practices in cross-sectoral areas such as agriculture, energy, environment, forestry, nature, marine, planning and water supply/use policies.
The Geneva event will see updates on developments in policy areas and presentations from representatives from Eurostat and the statistical divisions of various countries, including Clare O’Hara, of Ireland's Central Statistics Office speaking on Decoupling Emissions from Economic Activity in a session on Integration of Accounts for Analytical Purposes.
More information can be found on the meeting webpage, including the event programme and presentation slides: https://unece.org/info/Statistics/events/373223.