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Dr Catherine Farrell For Natural Capital Symposium


Updated: May 31, 2024

INCASE project's lead ecologist Dr Catherine Farrell of Trinity College Dublin will speak at the global Natural Capital Symposium at Stanford University this June 4-7, 2024.

Dr Catherine Farrell of Natural Capital Ireland and Trinity College Dublin will be speaking at the global Natural Capital Symposium at Stanford University on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

As lead ecologist on the recently completed EPA-funded INCASE project - Irish Natural Capital Accounting for Sustainable Environments - Catherine will speak on Natural Capital Approaches to Support Restoration Financing: Lessons from Ireland at the Wednesday 5th session on Natural Capital Accounting.

Attendees can expect a high-level overview of INCASE recommendations, with an update on related and ongoing natural capital work, including ForES, FOREST, Farm Zero C, Nature + Energy, and working with Business For Biodiversity Ireland for a new Trinity Business Module entitled The Business of Nature Positive.

  • Catherine also recently spoke about INCASE at the NESC Natural Capital in focus event 'Making Nature Visible: What can natural capital do for us? in Dublin, alongside IDEEA Group's Carl Obst, co-author of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting and several other experts from a varity of sectors.

  • Catherine also took part in a presentation and panel discussion for the National Biodiversity Week event with Green Foundation Ireland in Dublin's National College of Ireland on May 20, entitled 'Biodiversity in Everyday Decision Making - a Natural Capital Approach'. She joined other natural capital project speakers in outlining how the approach taken by INCASE can be applied for nature restoration, including to inform a risk register to prioritise action for peatlands and other habitats.



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This project is funded under the EPA Research Programme 2014-2020. The EPA Research Programme is a Government of Ireland initiative funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment. It is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, which has the statutory function of co-ordinating and promoting environmental research.

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